Parenting: Be The Change

Parenting: Be The Change

For Our Kids… I recently had my second child. This combined with working with troubled youth leaves parenting on my mind about 90% of the time. If I wasn’t sure before, having a newborn and a 2-year-old has definitely convinced me that being a parent is the hardest...
What Is The Truth In Your Story?

What Is The Truth In Your Story?

As a creative writing major, stories are my life. I cannot help but notice stories around me, wonder why people do what they do, or what is happening in their lives at just that moment. As a university English teacher, I encourage my students to look for the stories,...
Young Men Who Change the MOST

Young Men Who Change the MOST

A great organization focused on young men is helping to remind them of how unique they are—and how to become the best people they can be in a society that seems intent on defining them. The MOST Club (Men of Strength) was created to help men learn more ways to prevent...

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