Troubled Young Adults Who Believe They Know Everything

Troubled Young Adults Who Believe They Know Everything

If your son or daughter displays outright arrogance towards wiser decision making proposed by those around them, please call the experts at At The Crossroads (ATC). Here ATC, we are staffed by true professionals with decades of combined experience in assisting young...
How Often Do You Lie?

How Often Do You Lie?

We lie. You lie, I lie, we all lie — even without thinking about it sometimes. We often don’t mean to lie—someone asks if we enjoyed something, such as that very atrocious shirt Grandma gave us at Christmas, and because we love Grandma, we reply, “Of course.” Because...
10 Ways to Stay Sane in an Overly Online World

10 Ways to Stay Sane in an Overly Online World

Over the last two decades, a lot has changed. The Internet has become mainstream, smartphones have become the norm, and social media has become a popular way to connect and get together. That is a lot of change for a relatively short amount of time on the evolutionary...