At The Crossroads employs a unique blend of therapeutic services and outdoor adventure programming to provide a highly effective independent living program for struggling young adults, ages 18 to 25. Our clients have struggled with depression or anxiety, the lack of...
When young adults are struggling with mental illness, the last thing they need to deal with is the “stigma” that can be attached. Young adults struggling with depression, anxiety, addiction, or other mental health issues need increasing self-esteem and...
Drugs know no color, gender, or bounds. They destroy, not only the one who is addicted, but also those who love them. One of the most devastating discoveries a parent can make is finding their young adult child is addicted to drugs or alcohol. Unfortunately, young...
What is a Collegiate Recovery Program (CRP) and How Can Young Adults utilize this support tool. First of all collegiate recovery is a program of support for struggling students that are in recovery from various addiction issues and are seeking a degree in college, a...
Did you know that almost one in five young adults has a personality disorder that interferes with everyday life, and even more abuse alcohol or drugs, researchers at Columbia University reported in one of the most extensive studies of its kind. The disorders include...
When children are denied their basic needs, a host of mental health concerns can follow. These issues can affect a person long into young adulthood. According to a study that was published in the December 2012 issue of the Journal of the American Academy of Child and...
his story was first published by CBC News Canada: Two moms are hoping to change the stigma around treatments for those dealing with drug addiction by sharing their stories at a panel discussion in Stratford. Rose Barbour, one of the organizers behind the panel, helped...
In 2014, an estimated 2 million Americans over the age of 12 suffered from addiction to opioids. Opioids refer to a group of prescription painkillers and heroin. Opioids attach themselves to opioid receptors in the brain and nervous system, producing feelings of...
It is never too late. Rodney Dangerfield was in his forties before his comedy career started taking off, and that after a long hiatus in which he quit comedy entirely. Life can sometimes turn around in the blink of an eye. Your child may have made some mistakes in...
The possession of life skills has many benefits for teens and young adults, especially those who may be struggling in troubled area, such as poor performance in school, addiction, depression, emotional issues and more. At The Crossroads is a premier facility that...
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